G-Accelerator's Impact Call Program:
2022 Edition Kick-off
Tuesday, 21st June 2022 marked the official start of this year’s edition of G-Accelerator's Impact Call Program
A startup mentorship program, developed in partnership with UVIC-UCC and ISII (Institute of Social Innovation and Impact of the University of Northampton), is here to help our beneficiaries successfully being their Triple-Impact business ideas to life.
Quick Overview of Impact Call 2022:
- 13 Projects Shortlisted by the Selection Committee
- 22 Beneficiaries in Total
- 11 Different Nationalities
- Gender Parity at 50% Male - Female
The Journey:
- A Grand Total of 252 Training Hours
- A Grand Total of 325 Mentoring Hours
Let’s wish our newly joined entrepreneurial minds the best of luck as they embark on this incredible six-month pre-accelerator training program. Follow us on social media for regular updates on the learning process and challenges.