Mostafa Tarek, our own GBSB Global Alumni has recently joined our culturally diverse team managing the role of student relations. In this position, Mostafa will work with the student body, especially newcomers, helping them get acquainted with Barcelona, all the while having fun and making memories.
Mostafa earned his Master in Communications and Future Marketing at GBSB Global Business School and founded a business selling dogs all over the world. He is also a co-founder of a talent sports company organizing football tournaments in Egypt and Spain. This past year, he traveled to Russia to participate as an organizer during the FIFA World Cup in 2018. His bachelor degree is in Communication Engineering and was received in his home country, Egypt.
GBSB Global is very excited to welcome Mostafa to the team and are thrilled to have one of their own graduates take over all of the school events and activities, helping students from all classes and degree specializations get to know one another and be actively involved at school.
Specifically, Mostafa will be responsible for assisting students in finding a social and academic life balance. He will nurture the connection students make with the school by organizing both academic and social activities like cultural trips around Spain, parties, walking tours, sports, and holidays. Ultimately, our goal is to have every student feel a sense of community and pride studying at GBSB Global, their home away from home.