Digital transformation is changing the way in which we operate businesses, affecting over 78% of companies’ existing business processes, but only 15% of corporations are executing a digital strategy. More and more companies are pivoting online, where working remotely has become a standard practice requiring specialized digitized tools and automated processes to ensure efficiency at distance. Staffing positions with an urgent demand for novel skills has become even more competitive, as technology continues to rapidly advance, and the need for digital business acumen becomes more viable on a daily.
While we are stuck with the on-going public health issue, businesses are reconfiguring their plans, settling on a “new normal”, where professionals are vying for highly coveted positions that require a unique digital business acumen to meet today’s demands. Graduates seeking to launch their career during the current digital age need to foster several most valued business skills of today, namely:
Digital Literacy
An individual who is digitally literate has the capacity to find, assess and communicate information via a variety of digital platforms and is competent using the latest tools of the trade. Digital literacy has become ever more important in today’s labor market and is key to career advancement. Not everyone will find training in this area accessible. Costs, time, and a basic lack of information about which skills are in demand can be a disadvantage, but GBSB Global has that covered offering students a state-of-the-art campus that takes an innovative approach teaching to meet market demand.[i]
As a Microsoft Showcase School, GBSB Global is committed to transforming business education, graduating industry leaders ready to work in the digital space, equipped with the knowledge to operate novel systems and lead teams.
Lone Working
While collaboration is still a highly coveted skill, lone working has become a new way forward for many organizations. Employees that can work by themselves without close or direct supervision yet still produce results are classed as lone workers. These individuals may include contractors, freelancers and employees that can be trusted with minimal control from the management.
Without direct supervision, lone workers must be able to manage their own day-to-day tasks and stay motivated.[ii]
An individual who is flexible and adjusts to changing factors, conditions or environments has fostered the skill of adaptability. Adaptability is foundational in traversing unpredictable markets and trends.
Having the skill to change environments and embrace new work processes makes you a competitive job candidate and a resolute professional. The added value here is that adaptability promotes other soft skills like communication and interpersonal relations, making for a well-rounded hire.[iii]
Positive Thinking & Empathy
Positive thinking is a state-of-mind while empathy is one’s capability to recognize emotions in others and show a willingness to understand the other’s view. Empathy helps bolster relationships and foster a cohesive team.
While empathy seems innate and is often acknowledged as a prerequisite for a leader, it is a skill that takes time to develop. We saw this when mental health and work/life balance came into question due to the pandemic. Families had to shoulder new burdens and professional and personal lines were blurred.
Business and societies’ attitude towards work has shifted due the most recent global developments, leaving many feeling under immense pressure from every angle. Managers have had to become inspired leaders to motivate others and offer aid using emotional intelligence, empathy and understanding.[iv]
Self-regulation is one’s ability to control their emotional responses and behaviors. It’s a vital skill for leaders to nurture because their emotional wellbeing and responses can directly influence an employee’s sentiment, attitude, and behavior.
The global pandemic and international social unrest have heightened society’s temperament. To surmount these trying times, leaders need to have conversations with their employees while balancing their own feelings and world view. A leader sets the tone for the organization and must be a good example. How you engage with challenging situations will teach others what is appropriate moving forward.[v]
Knowing what prospective employers want will help students navigate their studies, homing in on those areas and fine-tuning their application. Learn more about our Master in Digital Business, a one-year degree program that will prepare you for a career in any business sector going ahead with digitalization, arming you with the right understanding and e-tools to succeed as a digitally-savvy professional.
[i]Cobert, Beth and Chang, Michele. (2019, July 11) Future-Proofing The Workforce: Why Digital Literacy Is Key.
[ii]The strengths of a lone worker. unique IQ.
[iii]Indeed Editorial Team. (2021, July 6) 6 Important Workplace Adaptability Skills. Indeed Career Guide.
[iv]O’Mally, Aisha, K. (2021, May 6) Why empathy makes sense for business leaders — and how you can develop this critical skill. The Business Journal.
[v]Pollack, Jeremy. (2020, June 30) 4 Ways Leaders Can Regulate Their Emotions At Work. Forbes.