Marketing has been an appealing business science for many years and it seems that this is why a Master in Marketing in Barcelona still continues to be a popular subject to learn, even more attractive than ever. Although during the start of the global economic crisis, in 2008 when Marketing functions were the first ones to be hit by the subsequent cost cutting initiatives, it did not take long for Marketing to re-capture the pace of the ever fast evolving world of internet that we live in.
Social media, smartphones, mobile applications, interactive TV have grown rapidly over the last few years. Marketing has been the invisible force to boost the power of new technologies and to reach out to a bigger audience but with much more concentrated and personalized influence than ever before in the history of commerce. The future of Marketing in Europe and around the world is steadily unfolding, it is steadily showing us the signs of its supremacy over what people, and eventually consumers will be perceiving in their everyday tools. Mobile personal computers, tablets, smartphones, smart portable devices like watches will be the continuous transmitters and receptors of personal desires, material and capital acquisition.
Each minute we log onto an application, each second we type or voice a thought or a desire, we create data for Marketing. Imagine the magnitude of data creation from ourselves and from around the globe. The human mind has endless micro thoughts, feelings and impulses which are currently been captured either by typing, speaking and perhaps merely by thinking. Now imagine how all this huge amount of data can be received, analyzed and then used to send back personalized messages to each one of us. Marketing messages with a feeling of empathy. Why a Master of Marketing can teach all this? Can the future of Marketing be able to summarize all this changing and revolutionary knowledge we receive from hundreds of people, ages, generations, nations and culture? The answer is:" it depends ". The future of Marketing in Europe and the rest of the world, like the science itself is evolving, and it takes analytical minds, creativity and innovation to be able to understand, to teach and to ensure that the new generations learn how to identify the right marketing opportunities.
The future of Marketing includes:
- Intuition
- Creativity
- Art
- Innovation
Why a Master in Marketing today reflects the pulse of the future? Because if it doesn't then Marketing will become history, and this is what we do not want. To get to the future of Marketing we require art. Why Art all of a sudden when we have been for years try to segment art from business? Well, the answer is simple. The human mind is not necessarily as structured as we think. The human mind works in an apparent form of chaos.
The key to the future of Marketing is to be able to capture this "chaotic" style. But in order to capture this, no structure helps in a traditional manner. This is a result of a combination of art and science. This is why a Master in Marketing needs to be innovative and creative to teach exactly that combination. The art of capturing chaotic thinking and feeling, putting it into a structure for analyzing and then sending it back to the consumers in a way or form that the human mind can absorb quickly, effectively and efficiently.
The humankind is evolving, technology is evolving, and with them Marketing is driving the human mind faster than ever before. The future of Marketing is linked with big data, and a combination or innovation, art and intuition. Putting all this together in a creative manner will make the leaders of the future, and this is why a master in Marketing in Barcelona is now more than ever before the most progressive and exciting lesson we can learn, in order to achieve rounded knowledge of the human mind from an artistic, sociological, psychological and scientific perspective. All in one, in the future of Marketing.