Today marks a very special day for all of us. Today, a year later, the 2019-2020 student in Barcelona, Madrid, and across the globe are graduating from GBSB Global Business School. Here at GBSB Global every intake is unique, and we believe that this one also had something special in it. We never had a doubt that you, as a diverse group of bright individuals, would achieve such fantastic results.
Dear Class of 2020, thank you for staying motivated, for prioritizing your needs and being committed to studying throughout this academic year. You did great! No one expected this year to be easy, but after everything you have been through, and being stuck behind screens for the past four months, you can now officially claim your place in history as that one graduating class that had to do it “corona-style”. We believe that if you could handle this – then nothing can really stop you from achieving your dreams. And we at GBSB Global will be here to make sure you do.
At the beginning of the year, our Barcelona campus welcomed a diverse cohort of students. Coming from different countries, you instantly found common ground, and were ready to dive into your academic journey at GBSB Global. We hope that this year was full of exciting activities on and off campus that you will remember long after graduation.
Moving onto our Madrid Campus, during this academic year, you have really grown together, sharing collective goals and life values and creating an atmosphere of friendship on campus and mutual support outside its premises. From solving business cases and having industrial visits to moving your final projects to our online platform last minute – your student body always strived to do better and were never afraid of a challenge.
Last, but certainly not least, our Online Campus and its outstanding students joined GBSB Global to study digitally. We take pride in having so many people from all across the globe join us on the virtual campus to study, share ideas, and business insights. We hope that the online curriculum at GBSB Global allowed you to obtain a degree while pursuing your career ambitions back home.
Hats off to the Graduating Class of 2020 – the faculty and staff at GBSB Global Business School want to congratulate you on this magnificent milestone! We wish you all the best in your future career endeavors. Congratulations once again, you deserve it!