Worldwide Employability Trends, Pt.2: The Omnipresent Digitalization as a New Reality

Picture 1 about Employability Trends and Digitalization as a New Reality

The omnipresent digitalization forces companies and marketers to question fundamental business flows and re-think established marketing methods in order to maintain constant turnovers and future competitiveness.

Without a doubt, the digital economy is booming as a consequence of the many technological advancements in different sectors and areas. In an era of shrinking product life cycles and rapidly changing business models, the companies that are the first to decode and master new trends or emerging needs have the best chances to take advantage of them. While the traditional jobs will not disappear as a result of digital revolution, the competition for them will become more cut-throat, which will force the professionals entering the job market to work more for less. For many, this is a dark side of the digital era.

However, those who look positively into the future realize that there are also new industries emerging and growing where hierarchies are not well established because the skills required to do the work have only emerged in the recent years. These new tech-driven industries, such as the Airbnbs and the Cabifys create a world of opportunity for the talented young professionals. Therefore, the bottom line is simple: if you want to be marketable in a higher income bracket, it is imperative for you to start learning the highly paid digital competencies needed in the growing industries.

Advanced digital technologies require people who understand how they work and can innovate, develop, and adapt them. Indeed, by 2030, the time spent using advanced technological skills will increase by 50 percent in the United States and by 41 percent in Europe. Additionally, the need for advanced IT and programming skills could grow as much as 90 percent between 2016 and 2030.6 In short, as the nature of work evolves, professionals will need to develop a mix of skills and knowledge to embrace new challenges and stay relevant.

The transition to this new realm of employment will be challenging but, in the end, it is simply today’s new normal as it was during the First and Second Industrial Revolutions from the late 19th century onwards. In many countries, embracing the digitalization will involve sustained investment, new training models, programs to smooth over worker transitions, income support, and collaboration between both the public and private sectors.

Obviously, jobs in the era of digitalization may look very different – if not completely unknown, unthinkable, or yet to be invented. Companies are looking for candidates eager to find new ways and responses, and those capable to ask fresh, unique questions, the ones never asked before and, accordingly, never before formulated and solved.

Nearly all occupations and businesses will have a digital component in the future. As Jim Bessen, the economist and lecturer at Boston University, states, “people who work well with new technologies will see their wages grow; people who do not will be left behind.”7 Therefore, now is the time to make the investment in oneself with the purpose to learn the so much needed and demanded skills which shape the world of digital employment. Now is the time to acquire the competencies which will bring you success in the era of the omnipresent digitalization.

Picture 2 about Employability Trends and Digitalization as a New Reality

“New jobs, meaning those not killed off by automation, require substantially more social skills than the manufacturing and factory jobs that once powered the economy. Robots still can’t be friendly, make small talk and calm disgruntled customers, which offers opportunity for people. Turns out a lot of them aren’t very good at it, either. Bank of America has developed a national training program to help its employees show empathy. Tellers don’t deposit paychecks or handle withdrawal slips anymore, given the dominance of online banking.”
Wall Street Journal: “Wanted: Employees Who Can Shake Hands, Make Small Talk”, December 9th, 2018

[6] McKinsey & Co, “Skill Shift. Automation and the Future of the Workforce”, Discussion Paper, Mckinsey Global Institute, May 2018.
[7] Bessen, James, “How Technology Has Affected Wages for the Last 200 Years,” Harvard Business Review, April 2015.

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