Axis of the Internationalization Excellence: The World is the Market
GBSB Global’s Professor Manu Monasterio invites all Master of Science, Master of Arts and MBA students to attend a wonderful conference in Barcelona on talent management which recognises "GloCalization" as a fact in today’s modern world. The word itself implies the immense opportunities for growth European companies with global vision have, combined with their intent to make a difference on the "LoCal" level.
With this idea of GloCalization in mind, the one day event will present the theme "Let´s be GloCal", a business philosophy to "brand globally & market locally". Over the day’s events, the conference intends to identify the keys to successfully positioning European companies in an effective way in the international markets. This event is ideal for those students interested in working for a company that wants to grow internationally or for those persons wanting to eventually own their own business and take it global.
The conference will be adapted by country, to examine the various sociocultural and economic realities of each target market. After the economic crisis, it will be interesting to become aware and understand how each country has adopted this model and implemented it.
The welcome greeting to the conference attendees will be given by Sr. Joan Canals, President of the International Commission at Foment del Treball Nacional.
Keynote Speakers at the conference will be:
Mr. Pedro Nueno, President CEIBS (China Europe International Business School) & Emeritus Professor of Entrepreneurship IESE
Mr. Manu S. Monasterio, President China Marketing Center of the Club de Marketing de Barcelona, Marketing Professor at ESADE and ESADE China Team Founder
Mr. Nico García, LaLiga Global Network General Manager
The Talent Management Conference will be held at Foment del Treball Nacional Headquarters.
Attendees will be able to partake in a discussion examining the advantages of having a "GloCal" perspective, collaborating with "GloCal" alliances or working with intercultural teams in order to optimize European companies’ position in the international marketplace among the United States, China and many other nations. The conference will look at the top trends in international business, sharing recommendations & providing several success examples.
Here at GBSB Global, we want to change the way companies do business. To bring about this change, we must innovate and improve the way universities teach business. At GBSB Global we have taken steps in advancing the way we look at business as well as educate students by ensuring that our classes dissect the international landscape and understand the transformation it has undergone in recent years. Business is no longer just a matter for Wall Street or the European Central Bank in Frankfurt, but it is accessible to every individual across the globe that aspires to own his or her own company.
At GBSB Global, we teach state-of-the-art theory, engage students in an international experience both in the classroom and with professionals working in and around Barcelona, Spain, and continental Europe, connecting students to the best practices and trends in business today. Attending the Talent Management Conference is only one example of many opportunities and events students have available to participate in when they become students at GBSB Global.
GBSB Global educates the bright and talented future business leaders of tomorrow. The qualities we develop represent:
- Intellectual flexibility;
- Ethnic literacy, a solid knowledge of the cultures, customs, and history of societies across the globe, from well established sectors to emerging markets;
- A strong foundation in ethics;
- The ability to communicate ideas constructively and effectively;
- Speak foreign languages;
- Optimism, creativity, a collaborative attitude, an open mind, and the willingness to lead teams.
Want to join this dynamic business school and advance your career in business in the 21st century? Invest in yourself. Get a degree that will be competitive, digitally connected and will provide the tools for business innovation. Contact one of our admissions representatives today to find out more about the events, conferences, and workshops GBSB Global students participate in throughout the year and how these experiences will not only compliment your education in the classroom, but will open doors to the worldwide market in business.
Written by Emily Dawn Szajda, GBSB Global Content Manager