In a globalized world, effective communication is a necessity. When friends, relatives, and colleagues need to reach all corners of the world, it is easy to see the importance of global communications in the world today. Whether you need to connect from Barcelona to Buenos Aires or Boston to Beijing, instant contact has become the norm and expectation. But how did we get here? Just 10 years ago, we were being introduced to new programs called YouTube, Skype, and Facebook. Now these are household names that are used on a daily basis at home and in the office. But in a business environment, there is more to communications than just opening up Skype and connecting to the other side of the planet. Learning the importance of global communications and implementing effective communications policies are key to helping a global organization thrive in this new world.
Global communications is not only the interaction between two employees within your organization. The first step in achieving effective communications is to know your audience. Your entire company profile and history is available to the whole world at the click of a button, making you a sitting duck if you're not prepared. If you're not, your company could wind up as the next viral sensation. Communicating with your customers, your suppliers, your stockholders, and many other stakeholders all factor into the global equation. Proper handling of a customer complaint can be just as important whether it is sent to company headquarters or at a local store - one insensitive comment could wind up being viewed by millions on Twitter. Company owners have to be kept informed about the status of the business and employees have to be able to be in constant contact in order to reach deadlines. Even governments need to be involved in your communications strategy, and having a good one can save you a big headache.
Affecting the true meaning of global communications would be the intercultural factor. Now that we expect to do business on multiple continents, understanding the language and cultural difference between two people can bridge gaps and make business transactions much smoother. Even within Europe, making sure your organization understands the business customs of Spain versus Germany will help grow your business. And in a globalized world, it is absolutely vital.
When analyzing the changes in global communications, technology is, by far, the biggest factor. There have been many changes in technology and something new seems to develop every single day. But just because communication has gotten faster and easier doesn't mean that it's always a good idea to implement. Video conferencing is a great way to have face-to-face communication while separated by thousands of kilometers. Without the need for travelling, video conferencing can instantly and vastly improve your internal and external communications over what can be done with a phone call. But installing a video conferencing network can be very costly. Is clear and visual communication a necessity worth such an investment or is it just a nice-to-have? How do you go about making a decision like this?
These are just a few of the many issues that affect global communications on a daily basis. And with an ever-growing globalized world, the importance of global communications becomes more evident every year. Studying a Master's in Communication can help prepare you to understand how to tackle the various issues and make decisions on your communications strategy. With thorough studying of the core concepts and specific examples, you will be able to cope with the ever-changing world and be ready to guide your organization to new heights in a global world.
Did you like this article? Are you interested in a career in global communications? Come visit us at GBSB Global Business School where you can study in English a BBA in Global Communications or an MA in Communications and Future Marketing. Our PhD professors have first-hand knowledge that will give you insight into the world of global communications in one of the most global and cosmopolitan cities in the world - Barcelona, Spain.