GBSB Global Business School is excited to announce the official launch of the new Master of Science Program in Sports Management. The Master of Science in Sports Management program has been carefully designed to develop talented and curious students into future global professionals. The focus of this particular program is to prepare and enable students to apply critical thinking and techniques to solve real problems related to the field of sports administration.
GBSB Global’s idyllic situation in Spain will offer Master of Science in Sports Management students and graduates the opportunity to participate with local, regional and national sports organizations. With top football clubs like Real Madrid and FC Barcelona, students will get their foot in the door with major sports management firms and will engage in any number of positions from marketing to PR and communications. Students will benefit from the GBSB Global acclaimed faculty that have had careers with big names in sports and can offer practical insight that students can profit from.
Visit the Master of Science in Sports Management Page
or contact one of the Admission Officers for more information about the program.