Zaragoza Logistics Center is a research institute promoted by the government of Aragon and forms part of the University of Zaragoza and the Institute of Technology of Massachusetts (MIT). For 5 days, from May 13th-17th GBSB Global Master students in Operations & Supply Chain Management attended an intensive program at the institute, where they got to learn about the logistic potential of the Aragon region, visit some essential companies in the field and learn all about the latest trends and practices in Operations & Supply Chain Management.
To start off the five day program, the Director of ZLC gave a welcome presentation where she explained the activity of the center in terms of the formative and research level, as well as the potential of Aragon as a logistic hub where PLAZA can be found, the largest logistical platform in Europe. ZLC investigation team also presented some of the European projects that the center is working on.
On the second day, students were taken on a tour by PLAZA, where they got to see an intermodal center of transport (railways, highways and airways) which operate on an international level. They also got to visit Imaginarium, which is a leading manufacturer of international toys as well as further visits to ADIF and the airport of Zaragoza.
In the middle of the week, GBSB Global students visited the Maritime Terminal of Zaragoza (TmZ) and the Technological Institute of Aragon, ITAINNOVA. There they showed students practical demonstrations related to logistics and their newly opened laboratory where new systems and products will be developed. Students were also given presentations about Data Analytics and a methodology they use called KAJAL.
The last two days of the program consisted of workshops and sessions related to the latest trends and management which were given by ZLC professors. This was an exceptional opportunity for our students who are studying Operations & Supply Chain Management and we give many thanks to Zaragoza Logistics Center for offering this unique experience!