Alumni Awards


Eligible Nominee(s): Alumni who have completed a diploma or degree program at GBSB Global and graduated in 2022 (March 2022, July 2022,December 2022) are eligible for the 2023 Alumni Awards.

Nomination Deadline: August 31, 2023

Part A

I nominate the following individual for the Distinguished Alumni Award:

Nominee Details:

Part B

Provide your details as a Nominator:

If you are a GBSB Global graduate, please complete the following:

Alumni Award Details

Nominators: Careers, Alumni and Entrepreneurship Center (CAEC), GBSB Global staff and faculty members, GBSB Global graduates.

Selection: After the nominations, the category award winners will be approved by the Alumni Awards Committee which involves CAEC, GBSB Global staff and faculty.

Award Presentation: The Alumni Awards are presented each year at the Alumni Reunion in Spring and are announced on GBSB Global Media Channels and website.

Note: Your nomination should clearly define the achievements of the nominee. The Alumni Awards Committee makes the selections based solely on what is provided in the nomination form and statements of support. Therefore, it is important to submit a compelling nomination that matches achievements to the criteria of the award(s). When drafting your nomination, please consider the following:

  • Based on the award criteria, do your nominee’s qualifications and/or experience make them a strong candidate for this award?
  • Provide specific examples of your nominee’s achievements, but also ensure that the nomination form encompasses the nominee’s accomplishments on a whole, beyond a personal reflection or interaction that you had with the person.
  • What sets the nominee apart from others who would not qualify for this award?
  • What have they accomplished beyond their usual scope of work/study that makes them exceptional and worthy of this award?
  • Do they elevate those people that they come into contact with?
  • What specific impact have they had?
  • Consider whether the nomination form would resonate with someone outside of the profession/specialty of the nominee.
  • Target your writing toward a general audience to ensure it is understood by nomination reviewers from a variety of backgrounds.

If you need help completing this form, please contact Alumni Services via email at