On Thursday February 7th GBSB Global held its first ever career fair! We had four different companies come and talk with our students – keep reading to find out which companies came and what students got up to.
Career Services category from GBSB Global Business School
On Thursday February 7th GBSB Global held its first ever career fair! We had four different companies come and talk with our students – keep reading to find out which companies came and what students got up to.
Ioannis Antonopoulos and Lukas Philipp Horst Goßler, recent GBSB Global alumni sat down for one of our career development sessions to speak with current students about their experience at GBSB Global Business School in Barcelona and how their education in fashion and luxury brand management and business innovation, respectively, helped them land leading positions with Swarovski Corporate working in business development.
GBSB Global Business School students in Madrid attended JobMadrid, an international congress focused on proccurring employment, internships and scholarships. The global congress also hosted several conferences and workshops, conducted interviews and gave students the opportunity to network nationally and internationally. This was a prime opportunity for students to rub elbows with business professionals and start getting their name out.
Knowing what your future employers are looking for is key to making an impression that will help you stand out when stacked up against a pile of other CV’s. Having the right certifications, accreditations, and proficiencies make all the difference, increasing your marketable in this highly competitive globalized society in which we live today.
It is important when you are considering your course of study that you believe the subject area and ultimate career is a good fit, that you can see yourself working in the profession and are fulfilled by the role. Learn what careers are in demand in the field of marketing today.
GBSB Global and its Career Services is replacing the old system of internships & job sharing with a brand-new career portal which is more user-friendly and results-driven and that is expected to increase our business school’s access and exposure to employers.
A year ago we signed a collaboration with ACCA and became the first computer based examination (CBE) center in Barcelona for levels F1-F4. Last week we signed an additional agreement and expand our collaboration to Madrid. So, from this week we are officially ACCA CBE center in Madrid.
Do you love networking? Are you at ease in social environments taking the initiative to start conversations and find common ground with anyone? Fostering relationships come second nature for you and communications is always clear and concise? If you find yourself saying yes to these questions, you may be a good candidate for any one of these public relations and/or communications positions.
The role of digital has not only forced businesses to adapt to the changing of the times, but business schools have also had to implement programs that cater to the demand in the work force. That is why GBSB Global Business School is leading the way by offering an MSc in Digital Marketing in Barcelona, Madrid and online. Graduate and step into a career in digital that is just right for you.
GBSB Global is a place where students can grow both professionally and personally, expanding their network to engage in new opportunities. GBSB Global motivates, inspiring students to reach for new horizons, incites imagination without limits, and assures that each and every student reaches their full potential as a successful, future business leader in the 21st Century.