The Importance of Project Management in a Successful Career

"Everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the face."
Mike Tyson

The role of project management within a company is often undervalued. There is a common outlook, primarily shared by small to medium sized organizations new to project management, that it only serves as needless overhead, they believe they could function without, but is this really the truth?

Stakeholders accustomed to "cowboy approaches" to project management are resistant to comprehensive methodology; they often see project management as bureaucratic busywork, ie. endless paperwork that causes a road block, hindering progress.i

In the ideal scenario, project management helps organizations maximize returns by using the minimum resources. These project teams help to cut expenses, increase productivity of the employees or team members involved. Project management teams are typically very professional exemplifying quality customer service.

The basic definition of project management is any action plan or program that makes use of various strategies and techniques that may aid in the successful completion of a project. Other words that help to identify what project management implies are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling the resources available, both human and mechanical, exercised to achieve a task or goal with efficiency. Careers in project management are highly sought after and the demand will continue to rise over the coming years.ii

Project Management Basics:

  1. Organize Chaos | No one is prepared for calamity to strike, but it is the responsibility of project management teams to organize and prepare for chaotic situations and employ a sense of control when everyone else seems distraught.
  2. Manage Risk | Risk is fundamental when it comes to business; it is inevitable if the business is meant to be a success. This point is meant to stress the importance of identifying, managing and controlling risk as much as possible to navigate to safer seas.
  3. Ensure Quality | Quality defines the value of what you produce. Companies want to focus on products that deliver the best value for the price to maintain and increase their marketability.
  4. Successful Integration | Project management teams and projects are not independent of the business but positioned under the same umbrella. This means these projects need to be integrated with the same business processes, systems, and organization.
  5. Implement Change | Change is a part of life and business. It can be complex and challenging, but it is better to manage change than to let it be uncontrolled.
  6. Resolve Issues | Just like change, issues will arise, within the team dynamic or with external components. It is important to identify issues and work to clear these away in order to achieve progress.
  7. Retain and Use Knowledge | Projects generate knowledge streams. Acquiring this information is a huge asset, that left unmanaged can fade. Take advantage of this flow of information, attain it, and foster continued learning.
  8. Learn from Failure | Teams do not always succeed. We are humans and failure is inevitable, but a key here is to learn from the process. This is a vital factor to business innovation and quality improvement. Lessons can be gained from both failure and success.iii

Why is project management so important?

Branching into social project management software industry- this generation is making the use of various social means to increase the participation of all the members of an organization, not just including the members from the management team.

Project management can apply to any business career. These points identify how a basic understanding of the functions of a project manager can be a major asset to your career success.

Project management is important to identify the goals and strategies to a successful project
  • Pay attention to the details.
  • Look at the whole picture. Just like taking an exam in school, it is best to read all the questions before you start, so that you are aware of the options and can better circumnavigate pitfalls and challenges.
  • Don’t let stress in moments of crisis hinder effective action.
  • Teamwork matters and it is important that everyone on the team understands the goal and are willing to strive to achieve it together.
  • Consider far-reaching implications before making a definitive decision.

Having a knowledge of project management and how to implement it into your specific career is a significant advantage in business. Project management can open doors to a whole array of opportunities that may not have been there before.

Written by Emily Dawn Szajda, GBSB Global Content Manager

[i], [iii] Mar, Anna. 09 September 2012. Why Project Management is Important. PM Project Management. Retrieved from
[ii] Majeed, Mehwish. 03 April 2012. Why is Project Management Important in Business Industry?. Simplicable. Retrieved from


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